Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Spring

Dear Spring,

Where have you been? They say you'll be here soon, but there are always rumors. I've seen you lurking behind the corner; looked for your footprints in the ground even. The birds have been making quite a noise, and they rarely spread idle gossip. You'll admit I've been patient, entertaining your friend Winter beyond what is deemed cordial in polite society. You have to agree that he's sometimes the reckless guest who stays too long at a party, wearing a lampshade on his head and making the hosts nervous about the china.

But for you, we're prepared, and even hope for a long visit. Linger a while, and we'll spend long evenings quietly discussing the latest blossoms, the cloud patterns, and even silently share a thunderstorm or two. Show me all of your latest projects; I promise we won't get bored.

So, we're waiting. I've had my hair done and painted my nails for you, and it isn't nice to keep a girl waiting.

All my love,

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