Friday, June 17, 2011

Florence + The Machine - I'm Not Calling You a Liar

I think such a colorful week deserves finishing with a song from a colorful songstress, don't you?

Happy weekend, friends!


The ivory of piano keys. Snow glistening in the the sun. The sugar cube you put in your dark coffee. White lies. White Christmas. White Paper. Onion skins and eggshells. Towels on a bathroom rack. Vanilla ice cream. White washing.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Purple. Violet. Lavender. Lilac. Eggplant. Plum. The color of royalty. The shade of mountains in the distance on a foggy morning. Shrinking violet. Purple prose. The sea at sundown. The brushstrokes in the last minute of a dramatic sunset. The color of my bathroom.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


A few years ago, Crate & Barrel had a catalog with a picture of a bedroom painted magenta. I was in love. It didn't strike me as a typical pretty shade at all; it had guts and strength. My husband is like most in that a magenta bedroom doesn't really fit into the plan, and frankly, it was a shade that wouldn't really play well with all the other colors in the house. And surely I'd tire of it rather quickly, though, wouldn't it be great to have several houses to play out all the colors you would enjoy?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So, I'm probably a latecomer to the whole cloud technology thing, but I bought music from Amazon the other day and was asked to store it on my new free cloud. Really? Who doesn't want their own cloud? Free? Okay. Well, I took the offer of a free cloud and downloaded the music anyway, but I've become addicted to Florence and the Machine's 'Rabbit Heart'. There's this one line from the song that sends chills up my spine. And it fits with today's color; yellow.

This is a gift it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife?
When Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight

A few thoughts on yellow. It's taken me some years to warm up to the color yellow, ochre, lemon. Whatever you call it, it's almost more an attitude than a color. It's attractive on so few people; it's stubborn that way. I wore it today anyway, in homage.

Monday, June 13, 2011


It's a little odd to assign Green to a Monday , but I'm feeling the need for another Colors Week. Shall we? There's so much green around us now, and I had the distinct pleasure of visiting The Wetlands this weekend with some dear friends (and then getting fed with obscene amounts of delicious food, but we'll save that for another day). It was more than I had imagined and I hope to visit again before the summer is over.

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